Position description:
- Location: Berlin, Germany
- Position: full-time, no remote or freelancer work
- Salary: 9 000-130 000 € gross per year, after the 1st year - 130 000 € guaranteed
- Team size: 20 developers reporting directly to CTO (3 people in reverse engineering stream)
- Reason for opening: we have 2 developers who do C++ and reverse engineering at the same time.
CTO wants to move 2 current members to C++ programming only and hire 2 people specifically for
reverse engineering part
- Sourcing locations for candidates: everywhere in the world. We will support with the relocation and
work permit
- Start date: flexible, can wait for the candidate who received job offer up to 8-12 month to join
Job requirements:
- Language: English
- Working experience: binary code and malware analysis, IDA, security vulnerabilities, understand data structures and algorithms involving dozens of functions all from nothing but binary
- Education: EU citizens/residence holders – any; others have to have a University degree (starting from Bachelor) so we can sponsor the work permit
Company distinguishes itself from other Microsoft Office add-ins by having an intuitive user interface, smart
algorithms that automate many tasks and, not least, a deep integration into its Office host application. To
achieve this deep integration, we use the public APIs offered by Office and Windows whenever we can, but unfortunately, they do not let us do everything we want to do. So we add our own customization hooks into the Office and Windows binaries. When company loads, it finds the code locations and installs its hooks.
Instead of using fixed addresses, we find code locations using machine code patterns to be robust against minor changes. If an update to Office or Windows still breaks some of the patterns, company will automatically download and install any available version with updated patterns.
Finding ways to achieve a desired customization is a truly zen-like activity. It requires deep analytical skills,
the ability to juggle vast amounts of information in the head and quickly separate promising from less
promising approaches.
Here is what we offer in a nutshell:
- A wide array of extremely challenging tasks
- An international team of brilliant minds
- A working environment that makes this team stay and grow
- Enough time to make sure that every detail of your solution is perfect